Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Do You Do?

Okay, I know everyone gets upset, depressed, etc. and many people have tactics to cheer themselves up. I want to know, what do you do when you get this way? Do you watch a happy movie? Do you hang out with your friends? I'm curious. Tell me through my contact page or leave a comment on this post.

When I'm upset in order to cheer myself up, I read. It helps me escape from the crap I have to deal with. It takes me to another place. I'm in another character's body, experiencing what he or she experiences. Sometimes I'll watch some youtube videos or I'll watch a movie with my boyfriend. Another thing I do is eat my favorite food. That's one thing that will make you feel very alive. It sparks your taste buds. I absolutely love it.

So tell me, what do you do?


  1. I get frustrated and take it out on people...

    I also get super stressed and sulk

    Im not good at fixing things lol

  2. Sometimes, I drown myself in a pint of Ben & Jerry's and plop my behind on the couch and watch sad movies until I literately can't cry anymore...when morning comes I feel better...until I see the empty Ice-cream carton! LOL

    Other times I will either be found puttering around the house cleaning something...even if it is clean...or I will experiment with recipes and cook.

    And when I am really depressed I shut down completely, not talking to anyone or doing anything until get my alone time to think things through!

  3. When im upset, I talk to my mum, or hide up in my room with my cat :P she cheers me up!I'd watch desperate housewives until my problems sorted :D, but tbh I don't mind I love desperate housewives I'm even making it on the sims WOOO,


  4. Well, ever since being diagnosed with mild depression, its been a little more serious if i get into one of my depressive episodes.
    Usually, I get taken to the shrink, then forced to talk about it, which is the last thing I want to do.
    Then, I usually go on an extremely long walk. Being around nature and beautiful things makes my problems seem smaller by comparison, which usually cheers me up a bit.
    And of course, the usually Ben and Jerry's, talking to my best guy friend, and sulking takes place :)
    After about three days, I've got it all out of my system. Though with my condition, it happens quite often.

  5. When I am sad,it's usally for no reason.I get on my computer and read,it makes me happy that the poeple on take time out of their lives to give me their wonderful stories.When I got no electronics.Good luck everybody else around me who can hear ;).I make so much noise,and sometimes i throw something,not anything big,like a bracelet or something,it makes me laugh then I am happy.

  6. I usually listen to music and curl up with a book. Or I write. And I might sneak whatever sweets happen to be in the house *shifty eyes* LOL
